spoiler ulysses moore! kali ini betulan

aku tidak akan bersusah payah menceritakan buku 1 2 3 4 dan 8 yang sudah kubaca. soiler ini aku dapatkan dari wiki ulysses, dan seharusnya sudah sampai buku belasan. enjoy!

Seria "Ulysses Moore" Pierdomenico Baccalario, tomy 1-12 Opole ...

book 1:

l es clefs du Temps

Eleven-year-old twins Jason and Julia have just moved from London to an old mansion on the English coast. Their new home is filled with twisting tunnels and strange artifacts from around the world, and the twins can’t wait to discover all its secrets. Before long, Jason, Julia, and their friend Rick stumble upon a mysterious-looking door hidden behind an old wardrobe. But none of the keys in the house will open it. What lies behind the door? And why has someone tried to conceal it? Jason, Julia, and Rick are determined to find out, no matter what it takes….

Book 2:

The Long Lost Map

The continuing story of Julia, Jason and Rick and their adventures in ancient Egypt. Julia winds up back home, while the boys are stuck with their new friend Maruk. A few more villains and a few betrayals take this journey to the next stage.

Book 3:

l a maison aux miroirs, The House of Mirrors

Julia, Jason and Rick are back in book 3 and they are out to get Oblivia Newton. She’s stolen the map, her man Manfred has stolen the key and they are tearing down a house to get at another door. The kids are out to solve the Moore mystery and save the time doors.

spoiler : rumah ini berhubungan dengan peter dedalus. perabotnya menjadi mesin otomatis, bergerak sendiri kesana kemari. sangat peter dedalus. seharusnya ada satu pintu waktu di rumah ini.

Book 4:

Isle Of Masks, pulau topeng

Jason, Julia, and Rick are convinced that Kilmore Cove’s long-lost inventor, Peter Dedalus, isn’t lost in the present day. He’s lost behind one of the Doors to Time, and it’s up to the kids to find him! One riddle after another leads them to 18th century Venice, where Peter Dedalus’s eccentric inventions are scattered around the city. The kids are convinced that each step brings them closer and closer to the discovery of a lifetime. But Oblivia Newton is hot on their trail, and, from what they can tell, Dedalus is nowhere to be found. . .

spoiler: lokasi cerita di venice, kalau salah benarkan. peter dan olivia ternyata tokoh yang berhubungan, dan saya sendiri cukup tidak suka dengan ketidak loyal nya peter. walaupun kecerdikan nya kadang berguna. ada spoiler soal ulysses di akhir cerita. jason, atau rick, melihat foto ulysses saat rumah di pulau topeng mulai terbakar.

Book 5:

The Guardians of Stone

Who is really Ulysses Moore?  Jason, Julia and Rick are about to discover the truth.  But Oblivia and Manfred, who survived the nth flight from the cliff, about to realize their dream: to go to Villa Argo and pass the Door of Time.  To stop them, the three boys must find Black Vulcan, the old friend of Ulysses who was driving the train of Kilmore Cove, and take possession of the First Key. For them, it prepares a new journey.  Destination: the twelfth century, the Gardens of eternal youth.


If you want to go, fellow travelers,

metà di sabbia e metà di vento half sand and half of the wind

devi riempire il tuo cuore you fill your heart

and friends, believe me, at least one hundred.

spoiler: after rereading, i can conclude nothing. ahem, aku baca ulang minggu lalu tanpa sokongan buku keempat dan tentu saya bingung. yang aku dapat hanya vibe misterius, keadaan genting yang mendebarkan dan membuatku segera menutup bukunya.

ada cerita bahwa tiga bocah ini menemukan stasiun bawah tanah, yang ternyata dipakai black volcano. mereka berhasil menjalankan kereta api terakhis yang dipakai black, dan surprise ternyata itu juga pintu waktu. pintu kuda yang lagi dicari cari oblivia newton.

Book 6:

The First Key

Ulysses Moore is alive. He has always been at Argo Manor-what-, right under the noses of Jason and Julia. Rick is discovered raiding the home of Nestor, the old gardener. Meanwhile, the twins are trapped in the Middle Ages with Oblivia Newton and her henchman Manfred. Everyone wants the same thing: to find the first key, the only key able to open any door of Time. It is the moment of truth. Finally, students will have an answer to their questions, but there is no trace of the First Key. Oblivia is launching a search at sea, when suddenly …


When they finally discover the secret,

guard with his identity.

It is my prayer: be discreet

If you give her freedom Kilmore Cove

(From Wikipedia)

Book 7:

The Hidden City

Venice. In a niche in the ceiling of Ca ‘the Snotlings, which is restoring his mother, Anita Bloom finds a book of drawings. When it opens, you feel invaded by a strange sensation, as if someone was watching from the pages … Not only that, the book is interspersed with written notes with mysterious symbols, the same used in the diaries of Ulysses Moore. There is only one way to find out what they mean and what is the connection between the book the author of Kilmore Cove reach the village hidden in Cornwall and get help from Julia, Jason and Rick …


If I lose the white oak of love,

twins with the help firs meeting.

Black is the house of a thousand calls

says so, which indicates the hideout the indigo

(From Wikipedia)

Book 8:

The Master of Lightning

Anita, Rick and Jason leave secretly in search of the country died. At Kilmore Cove, meanwhile, Julia must quickly find a copy of the book of Morice Moreau to communicate with her friends and help them. Anita, Rick and Jason, in fact, are in trouble. The Incendiary and their leader, Malarius Voynich, who want to destroy the country dies using their most dangerous weapon: fire. The kids are engaged in a race against time to save the country and its last inhabitant, and find out once and for all, the secret of the Gates of Time.


Three columns of grass pave the way leading to the border of water. If the gate is closed, remember not to knock. It is considered rude, however, turn off the water.

spoiler: sepertinya jason dan rick dan anita pergi ke sebuah tempat terpencil. muara dari semua mesin waktu. bayanganku, tempat ini seperti laputa dari ghibli, dan puing puing batu nya yang ditanami lumut.

Book 9:

The Shadow Labyrinth

Anita, Jason and Rick decide to cross the threshold of the Door of Time and Death of the country that find themselves in an underground world, dark and inhospitable. Thus began an exhausting descent into the bowels of the earth, to the very heart of all imaginary places. The Labyrinth. It is here that lies the key to the mystery of the manufacturers of doors, but not only in its depths a terrible danger awaits them. Meanwhile, Tommy and Julia try to avert the threat of Incendiary, which have now arrived at the gates of Kilmore Cove …


Three Lost Boys

there in no where,

unknown in the corridors

searching for the path of Kilmore Cove.

(From Wikipedia)

Book 10:

The Land of Ice

On their return to Kilmore Cove, Jason, Julia, Anita and Rick are waiting for a disturbing truth: the inhabitants of the country lies a traitor. Someone who has never stopped plotting in the shadows. And, with the help of Incendiary, is to carry out his revenge. The thin thread of a series of clues lead the four friends to the place where they kept all the answers: Agarthi, the legendary lost city hidden in the ice in the mountains of Tibet, which no one, no even Ulysses Moore, has ever succeeded in reaching. It is the place where it all begins, where the passages that connect the Gates of Time are activated.They have little time to complete the Ivory Gate up and running.

They tied with threads of hope

your eyes your days as a sailor and love.

Now it's time to open them and leave the room
and you, Captain, to resume the sea. 

Book 11:

The Ash Garden

There is an isolated island in the ocean of time. A wild and inhospitable place from which escape is impossible. A place where Ulysses Moore would never have wanted to set foot, but he has no choice, because that is where lies the key to find Penelope-heck, penelope still alive? ir can’t be-. Little does she know that the chain of events was set in motion and that his most dangerous enemy is coming from the past to unleash his vengeance. It’s time for travelers Imaginary, to face the crucial challenge …


Ink on wings and ships with pitch,

between the ports of dreams, and surprise travelers

friends of the sea, or time, in its place

they found the door that leads to terror …

Book 12:

The Travelers Club Imaginary

Kilmore Cove is under attack: Mr. Spencer has managed to reach the country on board his ship from black sails, in revenge for his old enemy, Ulysses Moore. Jason and Julia hastily lead them to a secret hideaway, with the intention to tackle alone the evil Spencer. But to stop it must first understand what is its weak point … Meanwhile, Nestor? is determined to find his wife Penelope, who died under mysterious circumstances many years ago: the last time I saw it, it seems, was right in the company of Spencer…

spoiler: who on earth is this spencer? mesin uap abu abu dari thomas and friend?

KOPASKA13: Ulysses Moore The Series....
tambah gambar aja biar estetik

sayang baru itu yang aku temukan, dan kurasa ini tidak menjelaskan segalanya. ya kan?


read more review: Strawberry Generation, Rhenald Kasali

(Mncrgknskl (Baca: Mencurigakan Sekale), Salim A. fillah

resume ulysses moore, dan spoiler!

ada yang aku kangen dari masa sd. baca buku di perpus, novel novel menarik dan yang selalu bikin deg degan pada aku masa kecil. tapi buku yang satu ini bukan hasil hunting ku di perpus. buku satu ini aku dapatkan pertama kali dengan meminjam ke teman bernama difa, kalau tak salah. atau dipinjam kan.

dan buku apakah itu? ya jelas lah ada di judul nya, mbhang.

buku satu ini tidak seterkenal percy jackson yang sampai dapat film. atau semasyhur harry potter yang, jadi tokoh ikonik di dunia. aku pula tak mengerti bagaimana buku sehebat ini tidak bisa terkenal. ayolah, sudah ada 12 lebih seri buku ini di luar sana. kemunkinan terbesar alasan ulysses tak terkenal adalah, karena dia tidak pakai bahasa inggris melainkan italia.

Ulysses Moore 17 Kitap Set Ciltli - Pierdomenico Baccalario - n11.com
cover terlengkap saat ini. ada 17 cover dan belum semua diterjemahkan ke indo

yang pertama soal ulysses. di publishing indonesia, ulysses masuk ke bacaan anak2. gramedia for kids. ini berpengaruh ke format buku yang spacing dan font nya agak lebih besar dari novel umum nya. dan berpengaruh pada kecepatan baca saya dari satu hari menjadi satu malam! sungguh menyedihkan menanggung cliffhanger di tiap akhir cerita.

petualangan rick, julia dan kembaran nya jason awalnya hanya seputar kilmore cove. untuk buku pertama. sejauh itu saja aku kadang sudah merasa deg degan dengan vibe mystery yang diberikan. apalagi membayangkan argo manor yang misterius, dan ‘arwah ulysses’ yang mengawasi mereka, kata jason.

adanya si jahat olivia dan manfred juga suka membuatku ketakutan sekaligus sebal. Pierdomenico Baccalario, si penulis cukup adil dalam menulis cerita sekalipun target nya adalah anak kecil dan young adult. dari buku kedua pun, para antagonis sudah diberi kemenangan kecil, manfred mendapat kunci dan olivia mendapat peta. kalau salah sila betulkan.

misteri soal tokoh ulysses sendiri juga membuat ku penasaran. apakah dia masih hidup? apakah nestor adalah ulysses? jangan bilang ayah rick adalah ulysses! setelah sekitar 4 atau 5 buku barulah rahasia itu terpecahkan. rick-atau jason-yang selamat dari pulau topeng dan tak sengaja melihat foto ulysses menjadi awal terbuka penyamaran orang misterius itu.

yah, scene ini ada di akhir buku dan aku perlu menunggu sekitar satu minggu untuk mengantri buku selanjutnya di perpus. hei, aku baru meneruskan buku 3 dan 4 di sma, kau tahu. aku merasa ini sebuah miracle ulysses bisa masuk perpus pesantren sma ku. alkahfi memang hebat.

buku terakhir yang kubaca dalam bahasa indonesia tentunya, adalah penguasa petir, buku kedelapan. bayangkan melompat dari buku 4 ke buku 8. betapa sebal nya. aku menemukan buku ini di IBF waktu aku kelas 12 sma. berdasar pengalaman soal buku rare, kesempatan tidak datang dua kali. aku tidak menyesal mengahbiskan 180 ribu untuk sebuah buku

Promo ULYSSES MOORE 8: PENGUASA PETIR / 2004570020 - Jakarta ...
buku ke 8 yang sudah diterjemahkan. aku penasaran, apakah gramedia meng skip buku 7 dan 6?

aku tidak bisa me revies buku ini, karena memori soal ceritanya tercampur dengan anne of green gables yang baru kubaca bulan lalu. yang kuingat, di akhir cerita ada cliff hanger lagi. akan aneh kalau sebuah series dari 17 buku tidak membuat ending yang bikin penasaran.

ah, aku tadi berniat memberi tahu spoiler jalan cerita nya ya? kurasa harus ada postingan lain soal ini. hihi

bye folks. wasalam