
feels like a bit failure

no, I would say It Is, a failure

days and days before

I was hoping for some change

why is it that I, even outside my cage

cannot do much

cannot move much

couldn’t even do

what I am intentionally want to do


feels like a failure

but it actually was a failure

i hope the day after today

aren’t going to be the same

3 points of life lesson people often mistakes

this is something I got from instagram. One that I found, quite true…. in some ways

1. you should be successful before 30

yes, but this shouldn’t be something you feel like a burden, if you aware that your success is still far away. instead, believe that everyone has their own pace. If you have some burnout, then take a little rest, and go on. don’t forget to appreciate the process too 🙂

2. in this era, viral is everything.

didn’t have hundred or thousand followers isn’t a bad thing. and don’t force yourself to make a scene then recorded it to gain attention. instead, with the limited connection you could more focus on those people, and gain deeper connection with them. either it’s real life or on the online

3. money is everything

well yes, but actually no. money is important and in some situation it could be practically anything. but don’t forget things beside money that is also important. things that is your happiness, your mental health, your family, your friends. those are also important.

this week reading: strawberry generation

a book by rhenald kasali. I just gonna put a tiny bit of part 1. this paragraph is translated from indonesian

Life and Courage in Facing Challenges

Life is basically a challenge. And facing challenges requires strong mentally trained humans to face them, not avoid them-the challenges, that is.

Fighting will is needed to break through obstacles, not just gaze at or grieve. And, if there are others who are more successful, learn from them. Accept criticism. Not avoiding or condemning them, even imprisoning them, or just creating hateful messages that we often see online.

The mindset of breaking through, challenging obstacles and difficulties is known as the growth mindset. These are the mindset of fighting, educated people. that accustomed to facing adversity in order to win.

On the other hand, the “spoiled” generation, who become strawberries, is called a fixed mindset. They easily crushed, by competition and uncertainty.

Therefore, we need to remind parents and teachers, no matter how “previlages” and “prosperous” they are, give challenges to children from a young age.

Get them used to face failure. Because, it is better for them to learn from a failure or two, than to fail forever because they are too accustomed of being supported. Give them life skills, self-regulations, and ordinary decision-making.

Strawberry Generation - Rhenald Kasali #ninjacarousell, Buku & Alat Tulis,  Buku di Carousell

Hidup dan Keberanian Menghadapi Tantangan

Hidup itu pada dasarnya adalah sebuah tantangan. Dan untuk menghadapi tantangan dibutuhkan manusia-manusia yang terlatih secara mental untuk menghadapinya, bukan menghindarinya.

Daya juang dibutuhkan untuk menembus hambatan, bukan sekadar ditatap atau diratapi. Dan, kalau ada orang lain yang lebih berhasil, belajarlah dari mereka. Terimalah kritik-kritik. Bukan menghindari atau mengutuk mereka, bahkan memenjarakan mereka, atau sekadar membuatkan pesan-pesan kebencian yang sering kita saksikan di dunia maya.

Mindset penerobos, penantang hambatan dan kesulitan itu disebut sebagai growth mindset. Ini adalah orang-orang yang punya daya juang, dididik terbiasa menghadapi kesulitan untuk menang.

Sebaliknya, generasi yang “manja”, yang menjadi strawberry itu, disebut fixed mindset. Ia mudah hancur, digerus kompetisi dan ketidakpastian.

Oleh karena itulah, kita perlu mengingatkan orangtua dan para guru, betapa pun “punya” dan “sejahteranya” mereka, berikanlah tantangan pada anak-anak sedari muda.

Biasakanlah mereka menghadapi kegagalan. Sebab, lebih baik mereka belajar dari satu-dua kegagalan, ke­timbang akan menjadi gagal selama-lamanya karena terbiasa ditopang. Berikanlah mereka keterampilan hidup, self-regulations, dan biasa membuat keputusan.

Read more review: Mncrgknskl (Baca: mencurigakan sekale), Salim A. Fillah

when life is (not really) that hard

Why We Feel Exhausted And Irritable And Lack Focus During The Pandemic :  Shots - Health News : NPR

but you’re fricking tired.

of becoming a shadow

of being told to do this and that

of having no say in your life

of fake people around us

of the amount of work I have to done before 7 pm

of expectation

of shitty internet signal

of being sick again and again

of covid 19

of quarter life crisis

of your job

of having no job

of being in pain for too long

of the sadness that won’t gone

when you’re really tired of being tired……

ealry morning motivation

some quotes i got from… let’s say gform.

Why hope for better tomorrow when tomorrow potentially can be worst. If you dont expect things then you can never be dissapointed

pessimistic? nah, we are realist.

workhard until ur bullshit become motivation

but first, you gotta have your own bullshit. if you don’t, then what’s the point?

Life is not a race, everyone has their own pace so don’t compare yourself with others.

i like this one because it is something i’ve read before.

and finally, some serious one. i hope this is useful. and make you motivated.

“Winners never quit. In the Era of Collaboration, life is not competition, you are your own best competition. Focus on improving yourself, helping and inspiring others. Everyone has their own timing. Be a free thinker, be teachable, you are not always right. Know your strengths and build on them, because there is no success in focusing on your weaknesses. Do the best and let god do the rest.”

I have failed

Once, I found a quote with jack ma in the pict that says “you are not failed, if you have not give up”

Switching to indo

Aku udah lama ngejar 2 beasiswa ini. Walaupun memang, sejauh aku tahu aku ngga ada chance buat…. Bahkan buat lolos administrasi

Yang pertama beasiswa gya. Dapet uang bulanna sekitar 300 atau 500 aku lupa. Aku Cuma sempat daftar g form, dan saat buka ulang pengumpulan dokumen aku telat beberapa hari. Beasiswa kedua ppi dari eventhunter. Aku bener bener malas buat ngurus ini karena yang pertama walau web nya bagus tapi buatku susah pahamin kebutuhan pendaftar ini apa. Dan alurnya bagaimana. Kebanyakan informasi dalam satu web buat aku setengah hati ngejar beasiswa 600 ribu perbulan ini. Padahal kata orang lumayan gampang karena g butuh surat miskin.

Cuma seniat apapun aku, disitu tertera sertif prestasi. Sedangkan aku gapernah menang lomba-sejauh ini Cuma partisipan poster dan sertif atau bukti tertulis ketua dept ku kayaknya ga pernah aku urus sejak awal menjabat. Alhasil setengah hati menjadi sepertmpat dan tenggat waktu mendekat. 25 november jam 23.38, aku buka web eventhunter untuk terakhir kali. Mungkin tahun depan, aku akan Kembali dengan segudang prestasi.

Itu, dari du aitu. Aku seakan udah merasa bahwa diri aku ini failed banget. Orang yang kalau disuruh muter otak dikit demi dapet ganjaran langsung mundur. Cuma mau seneng senenhg aja. Cuma mau tidur di sofa sambal scroll Instagram, atau baca fanfict di ao3. Tcih

Bagusnya, semingguan ini aku jadi dapet semangat lagi buat nge reset hidup aku. Atau sebulan ini. Atau sesemester ini. Sial, ternyata udah lama dan aku masih stuck begini. Sial. Tapi, intinya. Part of me masih struggle unutk keluar dari zona nyaman. Itu saja sudah tanad bagus kan atas kedudukan ku sebagai manusia yang harus terus berevolusi?

Well, that’s for my nonsense this night. Thank for reading.

5 things i’m grateful for today

  1. i wake up early. 6 hours of sleep (not really. tho).
  2. a sip of tea in the morning
  3. there’s no online class today!!! there’s still one or two assignment to do, but that’s better i think.
  4. i’m still alive. ain’t that such a gift for us?
  5. i don’t know how, but as until this long my mood has been good since i open my eyes